Learn Japanese
Japanese language
Hiragana ひらがな, Katakana カタカナ, Kanji 漢字
Basic conversation, reading and writing skills to more advanced skill
Japanese Culture
Seasonal Events, edicate, Japanese food, Anime, J-pop and More…
Japanese にほんご 日本語
Japanese にほんご 日本語
Why are you interested in Japan? Would you like to travel to Japan? You may want to go to Japan to study or to work? Do you want to have Japanese friends?
If you are interested in learning Japanese and have questions, please contact Yuka. yukahandacass@gmail.com or call / text (603) 275-0591
Japanese Online Class (Private)
$30 per one hour
School age student and older - Use Japanese for Young People text books to learn basic Japanese Hiragana writing and reading, explore common words and phrases around family, home and school setting. (There are many other textbook options, please contact Yuka to discuss which textbook is fit for you)
Young age student - Use Visual cards and pictures to lean and recognize the Japanese language.
Fun hands on activities and games.